Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Missionaries

I met some amazing people this week. These people have sold many of their earthly possessions in order to move half-way around the world. Why would anyone do this? Because they have a mission...a Great Commission. At our annual Missions Conference, I saw these wonderful people excited about serving the Lord. Some of them held small children in their arms while others had many grandchildren they would be leaving behind. Still, these people desired to be back on their field. They love the people they minister to. I so enjoyed talking to them, learning from them. When I stop and think about it, I should be like them. I may not need to sell my home and ship my belongings across the ocean, but I should be willing to. I should love all the people I minister to. I should go out of my way to make a difference for my Lord. Why? He went out of His way for me. He saved me. He knows me and He still loves me. So tonight I am thankful for these wonderful missionaries and their testimony for the Lord. I am thankful that I got to spend some time with them. And I am very thankful that we have a message worth sharing.

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